5.1 Technology Tools for the Flipped Classroom


  • Define the flipped classroom model.
  • Identify essential technology tools for flipped learning.
  • Understand the use of video tools for pre-class content.
  • Learn how to incorporate interactive quizzes for engagement.
  • Recognise the importance of collaborative tools in learning.
  • Utilise LMS for organising and distributing materials.
  • Ensure accessibility and inclusion in all learning materials.
  • Apply active learning strategies in the classroom.
  • Foster continuous and independent learning outside class.
  • Shift the educator's role to facilitate student-centred learning

Learning Objectives

This unit’s objectives focus on equipping educators to adopt the flipped classroom model, highlighting the use of technology for active and inclusive learning. It covers understanding the model, employing technology tools for content delivery and engagement, leveraging collaborative platforms, organizing materials through Learning Management Systems, and promoting accessibility. The goals also include fostering active and independent learning, and transitioning the educator's role to support a student-centred learning environment.


Welcome to the transformative world of Flipped Learning, where direct instruction shifts from the classroom to individual learning, turning the class into a dynamic space for interactive learning. This method, pioneered by Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, utilizes essential technology tools like video creation tools, interactive quizzes, collaborative documents, and Learning Management Systems (LMS) to facilitate this innovative approach.

Video Creation Tools - Screencastify

Discover Screencastify, a pivotal tool in flipped learning that allows educators to create engaging lecture videos. These tools are not just about delivering content; they're about fostering a self-paced learning environment, echoing the Flipped Learning Network's emphasis on intentional content to maximize active classroom engagement.

Screen and Video Recorders - Panopto

Panopto offers a seamless way to capture and share instructional content, mirroring the flexible environment pillar of Flipped Learning. This adaptability ensures students can access lessons anytime, anywhere, supporting diverse learning preferences and needs.

Video Editors with Engagement Features

Incorporate interactive quizzes and polls into your videos with advanced video editors, enhancing student engagement and providing instant feedback. This strategy aligns with the Flipped Learning pillar of creating a rich learning culture, encouraging students to actively engage with material before class.

Ensuring Accessibility

Accessibility is at the heart of Flipped Learning. Tools that offer video captioning ensure that every student, including those with hearing impairments, has access to learning materials, supporting the goal of personalized attention and continuous learning for all students.

Preparing Pre-Class Materials: Screencastify

Creating effective pre-class videos with Screencastify is about more than just recording lectures; it's about crafting content that prepares students for active, engaging learning experiences in class, perfectly embodying the Flipped Learning pillar of intentional content.

Enhancing Videos with Interactive Quizzes

Embedding interactive quizzes in video content not only engages students but also offers immediate feedback, helping them gauge their understanding before class. This method fosters an active learning environment, encouraging participation and improving information retention.

Organising Content with LMS

Leveraging LMS like Canvas or Moodle streamlines the distribution of pre-class materials and tracks student progress, echoing the Flipped Learning benefit of flexibility. It provides a structured, accessible learning environment, enabling educators to manage the controlled chaos of a dynamic classroom.

Collaboration Tools for Pre-Class Activities

Google Docs and Microsoft Teams enhance the Flipped Classroom by facilitating real-time collaboration, mirroring the collaborative pillar of Flipped Learning. These platforms transform the learning experience, promoting peer interaction and knowledge sharing.

Accessibility and Inclusion

Ensuring pre-class materials are accessible underscores the Flipped Learning goal of providing personalized attention. Tools that improve accessibility and readability ensure that all students, regardless of their learning preferences or challenges, have equal opportunities to engage with the content.

In-Class Interactive Learning

Transform your classroom into an interactive learning hub with live quizzes and collaborative problem-solving. This approach is the essence of Flipped Learning, allowing class time to be used for hands-on activities, discussions, and projects, fostering a learner-centered environment.

Active Learning with Technology

A technology-rich learning environment enables active learning strategies, aligning with the Flipped Learning pillar of learning culture. Utilize smart boards, projectors, and movable furniture to create a flexible, interactive classroom that caters to various learning modes.

Using Networked AV in the Classroom

Networked AV technology enhances the flexibility and interactivity of the learning environment, allowing content to be shared dynamically. This tech-forward approach supports the Flipped Learning model by adapting to different learning styles and facilitating active engagement.

Engaging Students with Interactive Content

Using interactive content during class promotes engagement and instant feedback, key benefits of Flipped Learning. Tools like Socrative enable educators to adjust teaching strategies based on real-time feedback, enhancing the learning experience.

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration

Technology facilitates peer-to-peer collaboration in class, a cornerstone of the Flipped Learning model. Platforms like Padlet support idea sharing and group work, embodying the collaborative and active learning benefits of this pedagogical approach.

Integrating Technology into Homework

Reimagining homework with technology extends learning beyond the classroom. This approach supports Flipped Learning's emphasis on independent learning, allowing students to explore materials at their own pace and in their own space, fostering continuous learning.

Feedback and Assessment Tools

Digital tools for feedback and assessment, such as LMS features and Turnitin, align with the professional educator pillar of Flipped Learning. They enable educators to provide timely, constructive feedback, enhancing the personalized learning experience.

Continuing the Learning Journey

Flipped Learning views homework as the beginning of a deeper exploration. Encourage students to use technology to research, create, and share knowledge, fostering a lifelong love of learning. This approach reflects the Flipped Learning Network's vision for dynamic, interactive, and student-centered education.


  • Edpuzzle - Allows teachers to create interactive video lessons. Teachers can take videos from YouTube, Khan Academy, and other sources, then add their own questions or notes to create engaging homework assignments.
  • Google Classroom - A free web service for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments. It's a great platform for sharing materials and assignments with students in a flipped classroom setting.


This unit has provided users with an understanding of the flipped classroom model, focusing on the essential role of technology in creating engaging and accessible learning environments. It explored the effectiveness of video tools, interactive quizzes, and Learning Management Systems in enhancing student engagement. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of shifting towards a student-centred approach to encourage active learning outside the classroom. By adopting these technologies and methodologies, educators can significantly transform teaching and learning, making it more dynamic and suited to the needs of today’s learners. This step towards innovation in education aims to inspire both teachers and students to explore new ways of learning.

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