2.4 Scaling and Sustaining the Flipped Classroom Model

Welcome to Module 2: The Flipped Classroom Approach. In this unit, we will explore how to scale and sustain the flipped classroom model! 

Let's get started!

Learning Objectives 

By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

  • Establish standardized processes and guidelines for flipped classroom implementation to maintain quality and coherence in educational experiences
  • Identify strategies and considerations essential for scaling and sustaining flipped classroom initiatives
  • Prepare their institutions for future education trends by embracing innovative teaching models and to integrate digital technologies

Why is scaling flipped classroom initiatives considered crucial for educational institutions?

Ensuring Long-Term Success of Flipped Classroom Model

Strategies for Sustainable Effectiveness...

Ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom model

Let's reflect !

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EVBB - European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training
Sotiria Tsalamani